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A member registered Aug 04, 2019

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The game is very finnicky, and quite hard to control, but I can see some potential in the concept, especially if spell interactions become a thing.

The game is basically luftrausers, but you executed the movement in a really nice way, the game is super fun to play :D And its a nice extra mechanic that the plane spins out of control while repairing, overall a quite nice experience :)

Incredibly janky controls, but i feel like that kind of added to the feeling that I really wanted to overcome some of the more difficult challenges :)

(1 edit)

Seems like this game has the potential to be a quite relaxing experience, which is a side of out of control i haden't really thought of; just floating with the wind and seeing how far it will take you. On the other hand, I also got a lot of enjoyment from abusing a bug in the game when you spam the spacebar... Not very relaxing, but suprisingly entertaining :)

From the description text, I thought the idea sounded really cool, and it fits the theme really well. I'm not so much a fan of the execution though, like the fact that you can pretty clearly see everything? The concept is really great tho! :)

Definitely fits the theme very well, but it can quickly get frustrating. I really like the visuals tho, and I am a fan of the idea :)

A pretty well worn idea, but gotta hand it to the bop

Incredibly janky game, but the bop is a real one

The swinging feels really nice, really makes you feel like spiderman. The polish is incredible, the game art is really great! :D

Fun basic mechanics, but lacks a bit polish :)

Really awesome game! The design is top notch, floating through the pipes feels awesome and the music slaps! The minimal use of colour is really interesting too!

Really interesting game, it's always cool when such a simple idea can lead to fun gameplay! I'd have to agree with the other guys, that it can get a bit "mouse rapey" when you have to do single clicks. I absolutely love the sound design though!

Really cool concept and idea! The way the blade moves feels great! I do think the game could be a bit more fun if you could see all the enemies at once, but i can see how that would go against the "only one" theme ;)

Love the game! Especially the music and that cool crt style shader!